Date: Tuesday June 3, 2025


Panel Presentation and Discussion regarding the ongoing work on Parliament Hill’s Centre Block Restoration Project

Presented by:

Stakeholders and Members of the Construction and Design Teams including DFS Inc. Architecture & Design, WSP, and Public Services and Procurement Canada (Names and Details to be Announced)

Date: Wednesday June 4, 2025


Standards for seismic assessment of built cultural heritage: European developments and research for the next generation codes

Presented by:

Paulo B. Lourenço

Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minho, Portugal. Experienced in non-destructive testing, advanced experimental and numerical techniques, innovative repair and strengthening techniques, and earthquake engineering. President of ICOMOS ISCARSAH – International Scientific Committee on the Analysis and Restoration of Structures of Architectural Heritage. Specialist in structural conservation and forensic engineering, with work on 200 monuments, including 20 UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Revision leader of the European masonry code (EN 1996-1-1). Coordinator of the MSc on Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions, with alumni from 75 countries and European Heritage / Europa Nostra Award. Editor of the International Journal of Architectural Heritage, Taylor & Francis. Author of “Historic Construction and Conservation” and “Finite Element Analysis for Building Assessment”, Routledge (2019 and 2022). Supervised 80 PhD theses and coordinated multiple national and international research projects. Awarded a European Research Council Grant to develop an integrated seismic assessment approach for heritage buildings. Coordinator of a European Doctoral Network with 15 PhD students on sustainable building lime applications.

Date: Thursday June 5, 2025


Two decades of research on the structural performance of reinforced concrete masonry at Concordia University.

Presented by:

Khaled Galal

Dr. Khaled Galal is a Professor in the Department of Building, Civil, and Environmental Engineering at Concordia University in Montréal, Québec, Canada. With over two decades of research excellence, Dr. Galal has established a distinguished track record in the field of reinforced masonry and concrete structures. His primary research objectives focus on developing innovative and efficient methods for designing structures to withstand dynamic loads, including seismic events, high winds, and progressive collapse, with the overarching goal of promoting sustainable and resilient buildings and infrastructure.
Dr. Galal’s scholarly contributions span a broad range of Structural Engineering disciplines, including reinforced concrete and masonry structures, earthquake engineering, structural dynamics, structural rehabilitation, and the application of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite materials.
Since joining Concordia University, Dr. Galal has secured over $15 million in research funding. He is a Gina Cody Research and Innovation Fellow, Director of Concordia’s Structures Lab, and Director of the GCS Research Centre for Structural Safety and Resilience (CSSR). He is also an active member of the Centre d’études interuniversitaire des structures sous charges extrêmes (CEISCE) and serves as a voting member of the CSA S304 Committee on the Design of Masonry Structures
Dr. Galal has supervised or co-supervised 41 graduate students at the Ph.D. and Master’s levels, co-authoring over 250 peer-reviewed research publications in collaboration with his students and colleagues. He is a licensed professional engineer in Quebec and Ontario, Canada.

Early Bird Registration Ends April 15, 2025! Register Now & Save

Paper Deadline Extended: Submit by January 31, 2025!